Have the first set of lines down on the new painting of Jeff. There is always this very brief moment where I go from hating what I'm doing, to getting inspired enough to see what direction the painting is heading. I'm finding drawing him to be pretty easy and I'm glad about that, I always hate attempting to capture the subject's likeness and not being able to do so. Also getting ready to apply the first layer of paint to the paper, and trying to come up with a color palette that I feel best represents what I'm trying to accomplish here, I believe I'm leaning towards more greens and blues, but of course that can all change once the first color hits the paper.
Something that completely hit me off guard was waking up to a weird announcement. In the smells like 'we need to get Brad and Angelina off the covers' comes news confirmed by both publicists for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes that the two of them are a couple. What?!? I've heard of very bizarre pairs before, but this screams 'it's time to start promoting the new Batman and remake of War of the Worlds,' which two stars can we throw together.
Lord knows the paparazzi will be happy, they haven't had this much fun with a May/December relationship since Demi and Aston. I wonder if anybody else will make the big deal of Tom's and Katie's age differences or is that only news when a woman dates a much younger man. It should be fun to see if this couple lasts longer then the run of their movies in the theaters. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Boy Troy

Caught the end of Troy at movie night at the Eagle, it's funny how a movie can take on a different life in an unusual setting. The muscular acting and semi-nude fighting is almost as alluring, if not more, then a good porn. Eric Bana would fit in just fine with the crowd that haunts the place.
I applaud the Eagle for having the balls to start movie night, not to mention the two for one drink specials and freshly popped popcorn. This is why I love the city, there is always something different to be had throughout the night, you just have to find it. If you told me, blowing off steam with a good friend of mine would have lead me to watch a movie in a darkened bar, I would have told you, that you were crazy, but this is exactly where I ended up last night and had a blast, the staff was kick-ass as always. Can't wait to see what they play next week.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Photographically Speaking
So the photo shoot with Jeff was a great success. Tons of great photographs to choose from and once again I'm re-energized to start a new painting. Now the fun starts, editing the pictures down to three or four top selects and then start to think of what direction to start with for a painting. Have been thinking this might end up being the piece that I auction off, but of course this is way too early to predict.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Model Inspiration
So I've been lucky to have worked with numerous great models for my paintings and I will get the opportunity to work with another this afternoon, Jeff. It's always fun working with someone new, the energy and passion they bring to posing for me always takes my work to another level. Not to mention that there is nothing finer then working with someone who truly finds you work inspiring and eagerly looks forward to posing (thanks Jeff.)
I can usually tell within meeting someone in the first ten minutes where or not they will make a good model for me. The thing I liked about Jeff from our first meeting, besides the fact that he's very handsome, is his heart. While chatting (quite easily) in Union Square, he would casually pick up pieces of newspaper as the wind whisked them by us. The other thing that intrigues me, is the tattoo he sports on his abdomen, a pattern I hope to use in the painting that I create from our photo shoot. I will keep you informed dear readers how the shoot goes and ultimately, how the painting turns out. I'm off to create some art.
I can usually tell within meeting someone in the first ten minutes where or not they will make a good model for me. The thing I liked about Jeff from our first meeting, besides the fact that he's very handsome, is his heart. While chatting (quite easily) in Union Square, he would casually pick up pieces of newspaper as the wind whisked them by us. The other thing that intrigues me, is the tattoo he sports on his abdomen, a pattern I hope to use in the painting that I create from our photo shoot. I will keep you informed dear readers how the shoot goes and ultimately, how the painting turns out. I'm off to create some art.
Friday, April 22, 2005
A Kick in the Pants
Sometimes the smallest thing can inspire you to put all the day to day shit behind you and get down to business. For me the small little things, isn't so little. I have been asked to partake in an auction in September benefiting where I received my arts education, the School of Visual Arts. Seizing this opportunity, I have to decide on what piece best represents me and will garner enough attention that I can promote this fact to potential galleries. So it looks like I will have to step it up and produce something new and breathtaking, the only problem is I have about a week to complete it. So the race begins, and for those three faithful readers, you'll get to be along for the ride.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
That Bitch, Part Deux
That tanorenic heiress, Ms. Hilton, is back and bitcher then ever. It appears that those rumors are true. Nicole Richie and her are no longer BBF and just like that Nicole's no longer able to live the "Simple Life." Paris made the announcement that "It's no big secret that Nicole and I are no longer friends." and how unfair it would be to the fans of 'her' show to pretend like they are. God, she'll do anything to keep her 15 minutes going.
As far as I'm concerned, Nicole you are better off, besides you have blossomed into one hell of a style icon once you gave up those silly multi-colored extensions for you and your dog and slipped into the arms of that hunky DJ. Here's hoping your own reality series, documenting your up-coming nuptials kicks Paris' ass.
Either way Nicole, I still love you.
As far as I'm concerned, Nicole you are better off, besides you have blossomed into one hell of a style icon once you gave up those silly multi-colored extensions for you and your dog and slipped into the arms of that hunky DJ. Here's hoping your own reality series, documenting your up-coming nuptials kicks Paris' ass.
Either way Nicole, I still love you.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
When in Doubt, Draw
I received a piece of good advice today that I plan on following through with. My life has been pretty hectic these past few weeks and in the process I've once again fallen out of my one true goal-- obtaining a gallery to show my work. By allowing myself the distraction of life to bog me down, I've stopped painting and once again been consumed with laziness and lack of interest in moving myself forward. James' mom suggested that when in doubt to go to a place that offers me comfort and is rewarding, my art. So this is what I plan on doing, breaking out the paint, pencils and finish the painting I started two weeks ago.
If I'm really focused, maybe I can finally post some of my work here, as there have been requests to see it. I'll keep you posted.
If I'm really focused, maybe I can finally post some of my work here, as there have been requests to see it. I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
You Say Sahara, I Say Wow

So caught the movie Sahara, and was generally very amused. Matthew McConaughey has finally found a character to play to his strengths... charming, witty, smart, easy on the eyes, muscles rippling, and he ends the movie like he begins it, wet and sexy.
True the movie borrowed plenty from other treasure hunting movies, but it did so with characters that are really likeable and action that will keep you waiting for more. I for one hope that this movie will be able to give us at least one more sequel, if for nothing more then to get Matthew back in the water and able to flash that grin I love.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Sign Me Up
Thursday, April 14, 2005
And Then There Was One
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for tonight's Survivor. A tribe of just one, a Survivor first. I know dear Stephenie will more then rise to the challenge, but I would hate to have been her, navigating through the jungle all alone... not to mention having to row back to her campsite. Here's to hoping that tomorrow she'll still be in the game and some of those other useless members will end up on the chopping block a lot sooner.
Hang tight girl, I'm rooting for you.
Hang tight girl, I'm rooting for you.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Blah, Blah, Blah & Britney
Feeling pretty blah today and not really sure what to write about on today's blog entry. I'd hate to give any more attention to Ms. Spears bun in the oven but I just wanted to point something out; has Britney completely adopted her Madonna pose now.
Years before Ms. Richie had her two beautiful children, she was seen running around town with two Chihuahuas, that she promptly gave up with little Lola's birth. Fast forward a few years, and witness Britney, who has been known to run around town with her little BitBit (a Chihuahua in her own right) in hand, not to mention that un-washed husband of hers. So does that mean that BitBit's days are numbered. One can only hope that poor BitBit doesn't end up like a certain tanorexic 'actress' (and I use that term loosely) little Tinkerbell. Maybe there's a reality show like the Surreal Life to be tapped into, Forgotten Bitches Bite Back.
Hang in there BitBit, I still love you.
Years before Ms. Richie had her two beautiful children, she was seen running around town with two Chihuahuas, that she promptly gave up with little Lola's birth. Fast forward a few years, and witness Britney, who has been known to run around town with her little BitBit (a Chihuahua in her own right) in hand, not to mention that un-washed husband of hers. So does that mean that BitBit's days are numbered. One can only hope that poor BitBit doesn't end up like a certain tanorexic 'actress' (and I use that term loosely) little Tinkerbell. Maybe there's a reality show like the Surreal Life to be tapped into, Forgotten Bitches Bite Back.
Hang in there BitBit, I still love you.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Hand Job
Another rap diva gone bad. One does not mess with a sexual explicit rapper and her $20 manicure (or lack of). It appears Ms. Foxy Brown went 'gansta' on two employees of Bloomie Nails in Chelsea after they attempted to charge her for both a manicure and pedicure.
Brown is a accused of kicking and punching the manager, "hitting her about the body with a closed fist repeatedly" and causing "bruising and swelling to the face, as well as substantial pain." When the employees tried to stop Foxy from leaving in her car, she smacked another employee with her cell phone. Her lawyer claims that she is being targeted because of her fame. Either way, it just goes to show you, fame is a bitch or at least allows you to act like one. Foxy is scheduled for court on May 6th. I'll keep you posted.
Brown is a accused of kicking and punching the manager, "hitting her about the body with a closed fist repeatedly" and causing "bruising and swelling to the face, as well as substantial pain." When the employees tried to stop Foxy from leaving in her car, she smacked another employee with her cell phone. Her lawyer claims that she is being targeted because of her fame. Either way, it just goes to show you, fame is a bitch or at least allows you to act like one. Foxy is scheduled for court on May 6th. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Weekend Update
Friday- celebrated Chef's birthday with a few drinks at Therapy (see Mark, I do have a friend named Chef... it's true.)
Saturday- spent the afternoon exploring the newly opened shows in some of my favorite Chelsea galleries. Some gallery shows worth seeing DCKT Contemporary (at their new space), Larry Clark at Clamp Art, Angela Strassheim at Marvelli, and Isabella Kirkland at Feature, Inc. Then off to the gym for a quick workout and then spent the evening dancing to Manny Lehmann. Overall the best day of the weekend... perfect weather, perfect company, perfect inspiration, just perfect.
Sunday- saw Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, as with most sequels not a great movie, but Sandra Bullock is so damn likeable and will somebody please give Ms. Regina King a lead role, she's definitely got the acting chops to hold one.
Saturday- spent the afternoon exploring the newly opened shows in some of my favorite Chelsea galleries. Some gallery shows worth seeing DCKT Contemporary (at their new space), Larry Clark at Clamp Art, Angela Strassheim at Marvelli, and Isabella Kirkland at Feature, Inc. Then off to the gym for a quick workout and then spent the evening dancing to Manny Lehmann. Overall the best day of the weekend... perfect weather, perfect company, perfect inspiration, just perfect.
Sunday- saw Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, as with most sequels not a great movie, but Sandra Bullock is so damn likeable and will somebody please give Ms. Regina King a lead role, she's definitely got the acting chops to hold one.
Friday, April 08, 2005

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am that Stephenie is still hanging in there on Survivor. She truly deserves to be in the top two if not for any other reason then pure moxy. Here's hoping that she is able to merge and fly under the radar when the tribes merge (if they merge next week.) This has truly been an exciting season, if for no other reason then how bad Steph's tribe truly performed.
Things are just about to get interesting. Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 07, 2005
Lip Smacking Good!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
In Bloom
I officially welcomed spring this morning, while walking James towards his subway stop. Walking through Union Square, with the daffodils and crocuses all in bloom, we made a stop off at Starbucks for his morning jolt of coffee with a splash of caramel, or should that be a grande coffee with a pump of caramel? Whatever.
It seemed to me that the sun was shining extra bright this morning and the sparrows were dizzy with excitement. And then it happened, James kissed me square on the lips, right outside Starbucks and off to work he was. What a way to start the day. As I watched him walk down the street, generally surprised (as public displays of affection are not the norm)... I felt like the day got even brighter and warmer. I'm so happy spring has finally sprung.
It seemed to me that the sun was shining extra bright this morning and the sparrows were dizzy with excitement. And then it happened, James kissed me square on the lips, right outside Starbucks and off to work he was. What a way to start the day. As I watched him walk down the street, generally surprised (as public displays of affection are not the norm)... I felt like the day got even brighter and warmer. I'm so happy spring has finally sprung.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
One Small Step
As I continue to work on finishing the latest painting, I've been struck by how this new body of work builds on my older work... this makes me happy. The natural progression is good to see and it also excites me about the possibilities for future work. Still dealing with issues of beauty, nature, and my own desires, I doubt this will ever change.
I promise to pose some photos of the painting in progress soon enough.
I promise to pose some photos of the painting in progress soon enough.
Friday, April 01, 2005
And... Action
I'd love to make up some scandalous juicy tidbit about some over exposed celebrity and see if this piece of false gossip were to go any further then this blog. However before I "out" that hot studly action hero from a comic book movie, the one with the noticeable large bulge in his jeans, remember it's April Fools Day. I mean, I'm not one to talk (OK, maybe I am) but if I was a betting man, you might be able to confirm these rumors with a bit of investigation. Or maybe not. I'm leaving that up to you, dear reader. If you think you know who I might or might not be refering to, I'd love to hear who you think it is.
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