Thursday, June 30, 2005
Procrastination's A Bitch
Ok, once again my procrastination has rendered me in a bind. Not only am I not painting, which depresses me to know end, I also missed out of what appears to have been a fun evening. At the Kitchen tonight, artist Robert Melee is hosting the Talent Show, an evening of what I'm sure will be spectacular performances. Hopefully with the success of the two sold out nights, he might produce another event soon. My only hope is to see if there are scalpers out front. Do they even have scalpers for events like this?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The Goddess

OK, I can admit it, I have a total crush on Ms. Angelina Jolie. Not that this is anything new mind you, I've pretty much been obsessed with her since first spotting her in the movie Hackers. The woman truly is a movie star, in every sense of the word. Her evolution from wild child, to Academy Award winning actress, to amazing mother (one thing she was truly meant to excel at, she's never been more beautiful or happy then with Maddox) and now world ambassador (another amazing thing about her, she is so selfless.) She does what she loves and that truly should be applauded.
While the press loves to hound her on her current love life; maybe she was too open, inviting us into her unguarded, uncensored world when she was younger (something I think made me like her even more). She sees nothing wrong with being sexual and at the same time still holds herself like the respectable lady she is.
My theory on Angelina is this. The woman's acting comes from being very an observant person, something I feel doesn't come from any acting class. Some people watch people and observe the small details of life. She does these little things in all her movies that are amazing. Whether it be a flicker of her eyes, the curve of her mouth, the raise of an eyebrow or that 100-watt smile, she always captivating. And this is why she is truly deserving of my $11.00 per movie (saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith - twice.) Thanks again, Ms. Jolie.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Sea the Pride

So, 2005 Gay Pride ended being a lot more fun then I expected. First off, it was off to the Saturday night Sea Tea dance with James. Nothing says Pride more then a boat full of hot, hairy, handsome bears... no attitude, just some fun high jinx on the high seas. Then off to Calvin's house for some evening cocktails. Finally ending the night dancing my ass off to the sweet sounds of Hex Hector and Manny Lehman at where else the Roxy. Overall, the company I kept all evening made it the most memorable Pride to date... thanks to Calvin, Rob, Greg, Thomas, and of course my heart, James for sharing it with me.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Show Us Your Pride
So it's the last weekend in June, which means Gay Pride here in New York City. An exciting time of year, however with the numerous events and parties, it so hard to decide which event /or events to attend. I'm trying to make up my mind which seems to change faster then pesky rumors of celebrity romances. Brad, Angelina. Lindsay, Christian Slater (what's up with that!)
So I'm sure I will see plenty of you out and about this weekend... enjoy yourself and be proud, we have a lot to be proud of.
So I'm sure I will see plenty of you out and about this weekend... enjoy yourself and be proud, we have a lot to be proud of.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
First Day of Summer
Today marks the first official day of summer and I'm glad to welcome it, if for no other reason then for all the lack of clothing and eye candy it provides. The heat provides the perfect opportunity to see all those beautiful New Yorkers out in their summer gear. Tanned flesh, tattoos ablaze with color, fancy footwear, shorts, clever t-shirts... and I haven't even gotten to the boys of summer, yet.
So with great admiration, I welcome summer to the city.
So with great admiration, I welcome summer to the city.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Smile Like You Mean It, Part Two

OK, if you are truly in love and are tired of people questioning your romance, couldn't you wait a few weeks to propose, when one of you doesn't have a movie opening that weekend. Seems to smack in the face of a cheap publicity stunt to me. Next thing you know, you'll have eloped the first week of July, right before War of the Worlds opens. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like awful timing to me.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
My 15 Are Up

So I finally go to see Slutty Summer last night, and I'm not being bias when I say I truly enjoyed myself. Casper and the rest of the cast were excellent and there are moments where you relate to the character's insecurities and frank roundtable discussions. I know I've had some of those same discussions with my own friends.
The weirdest part for me was not seeing myself on the big screen (which was a first), but running into someone leaving the theater who recognized me from the movie (also a first.)
All and all, I had a blast seeing myself on the screen and spending time with James. And anytime you need help on your next film Casper, I'm ready for my close-up.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
My Drug of Choice
My name is Dan and I'm an addict. (Hi, Dan!)
Yes, I'm proud enough to admit that I'm addicted to having my head buzzed cut twice a month. It all started about two years ago as Mother Nature so cruelly decided that I should start loosing my hair. Wisely deciding against a comb-over or desperately trying to hang on to whatever hair I had, I decided to buzz it all off... well almost all off.
Keeping it short, peach fuzz like, I slowly became addicted to having it a certain length and whenever it grows past a certain point, I like other addicts need a fix. This is where Yuri comes in (my pusher, my magic man, my savior) without his expert skills, I'd probably look like an overgrown Chia pet. It also appears I'm not the only one who visits Yuri for a fix, I usually end up waiting some time to feel his clippers across my scalp.
So today's the day, time to get shorn like a sheep and be at peace for another 15 days at least. Yuri, I'm on the way.
Yes, I'm proud enough to admit that I'm addicted to having my head buzzed cut twice a month. It all started about two years ago as Mother Nature so cruelly decided that I should start loosing my hair. Wisely deciding against a comb-over or desperately trying to hang on to whatever hair I had, I decided to buzz it all off... well almost all off.
Keeping it short, peach fuzz like, I slowly became addicted to having it a certain length and whenever it grows past a certain point, I like other addicts need a fix. This is where Yuri comes in (my pusher, my magic man, my savior) without his expert skills, I'd probably look like an overgrown Chia pet. It also appears I'm not the only one who visits Yuri for a fix, I usually end up waiting some time to feel his clippers across my scalp.
So today's the day, time to get shorn like a sheep and be at peace for another 15 days at least. Yuri, I'm on the way.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Too Hot to Blog
Friday, June 10, 2005
A Piece of My Heart
So today is June 10th, the birthday of Florence Velasco, my grandmother, my nannie. She was instrumental in how I turned out today. She loved butterflies and the Muppet babies, made an amazing pasta 'gravy', sewed the best damn Halloween costumes and radiated such warmth and love. And I wish she was still around to see how I turned out as an adult, I know she would have been extremely proud of me. I like to think she still watches over me and that gives me an amazing amount of comfort.
Happy Birthday, Nannie.
Happy Birthday, Nannie.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
My Soapbox for Kelly

I would like to wish the Osbourne family, a quick recovery for Kelly. It appears that the media has a problem with her weight and feels the need to forever harass her about it, so much so that she went under doctor's care.
She is a beautiful young woman who should have been allowed the opportunity to enjoy the release of her latest album and the perks that come with it. I for one was excited for her return trip to New York City and to hear her spin some records and enjoy the nightlife. In an age where body image is a huge problem for MOST people, she should be applauded for being sexy, fashion daring and unique... unlike the numerous tarts whose continue to shrink before our eyes.
Congratulations Kelly on your latest album and I look forward to seeing you soon. Please take care of yourself.
PS- I love you, just the way you are.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Extra, Extra

So almost two years ago, I had the privilege to attend a martini cocktail party. Imagine my surprise when I arrived and found out they were casting extras for an independent film, the fabulously titled Slutty Summer (can't get any better then that) in the basement of the party held at Porter's. Of course I immediately volunteered to partake in the fun of being on a film shoot, the last one was a college friend's thesis project. Placed right behind the actors in the shot; the shoot was fun, I got to have a blast with the cocktail waitress and another extra and then poof back to some cocktails.
Some time went by and I never heard anything about the film again. Fast forward to last year's Gay & Lesbian Film Festival where the film premiered to a sold out crowd. No tickets for Dan. Speaking with the director Casper, he indicated that most of his friends were even enable to attend the screenings, two, both which sold out very quickly. Good news however, after numerous awards the film was picked-up by TLA Releasing and will be screened at Cinema Village starting this Friday. Casper and the crew will be on hand this weekend for Q&A sessions after the film, not to mention a release party Friday night at Opaline, where your ticket stub gets you in for $5.
I for one am excited to finally see the film in completion and to see if my mug makes it to the big screen. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing the film and wish Casper good luck this weekend. My only fear is that the theater will sell out of tickets quickly. So I better swing by at lunchtime to grab a few. See you all there.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Spoke Too Soon...
So I know that I implied yesterday that I might have some exciting news to reveal today, unfortunately that deal ended around 4:30 yesterday when it fell through. I would like to thank those involved for the opportunity and good luck with your future endeavors. Please keep me posted of any new developments on the horizon. Best wishes.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Hot Season in Chelsea

The warm Saturday afternoon made for the perfect day to go and see some amazing exhibitions in Chelsea this weekend. Seeing the Walton Ford exhibition at Paul Kasmin, Chuck Close at Pace Wildenstein and the Mona Kuhn (whose image graces this entry) at Charles Cowles made my weekend. All three shows come highly recommended, so if you are free, I recommend you run since many close sooner then later. Overall, this season exhibitions in Chelsea have been some of my favorites in a long time, strong painting, stronger photography and even some amazing sculpture. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next.
Speaking of next, some big news is on the horizon. Stay tuned.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Are You Kidding Me?

I've just been informed that next seasons ANTM will be without my reason for watching, Janice Dickinson. Without her winning smile and always truthful (some say bitchy, but not me) comments, I have a feeling the show will take a very drastic shift, and not in a good way either. Janice's replacement will be none other then Twiggy. TWIGGY?!?!? Are you kidding me!
According to UPN, Dickinson has a television production deal and is working on a new book. All I can say is Miss Tyra better up her game, otherwise the fifth season might be the last.
PS- Janice, I still love you.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Come On Baby, Light My Fire

So with nothing exciting going on with my life, I figured it was time for some eye candy, namely Chris Evans. Who will be lighting up the big screen this summer literally, as Johnny Storm (aka The Human Torch) in the Fantastic Four. Looking forward to this one, since he was so captivating and charming in the movie Cellular.
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