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So after watching Project Jay on Bravo the other night, I got to thinking what ever happened to other talented reality stars after the cameras stopped rolling. The first person that came to mind was Jordis Unga from Rock Star:INXS. This woman's voice is truly a gift from God and after doing a little snooping came across her website, where I'm happy to report she has signed with Epic records and is scheduled to have a solo album in early 2006. I'm happy to see someone was smart enough to snatch her up after INXS gave her the boot. It would give me a great amount of pleasure if her album sold better then the last INXS record, with their selected frontman J.D. Fortune. Who is you read my blog during the shows run predicted wouldn't make it to the finals - boy was I ever wrong! But then again, I always seem to disagree with the winners of most of these shows. So Jordis, I look forward to more music from you and cannot wait to hear the results. Rock on!
Tonight at ClampArt is the opening reception for Kathy's Beauty Nook by photographer John Arsenault. Having known John for a few years, I'm happy to see his work finally getting the respect and attention it deserves. In this series of photographs, John went back to his aunt's hair salon outside of Boston, where he spent his youth, and captured his aunt and her colorful clientele (age range 60 to 96.)The opening reception will take place from 6 to 8 pm at ClampArt, 531 West 25 Street, ground floor. Come down and bathe in the scent of perm solution and gossip. I know I'll be soaking in it.
So Drew Barrymore turns 31 today. Happy birthday, Drew! I cannot explain how much I love me some Drew - the woman is amazing. She can do no wrong in my eyes. Anyone who is willing to poke fun of themselves, after a fashion misstep on national television (SNL) will always get my approval. Not to mention, she starred in some of my favorite romantic comedies - both Never Been Kissed and The Wedding Singer come right to mind. She also had the vision to see that Donnie Darko and the Charlie's Angels films were produced and amazing. So with that in mind, I suggest you run out and see Curious George the movie tonight, in honor of Ms. Barrymore, and don't forget to wear a daisy.
So after bitching about how I seemed to have stumbled into a patch of loss of creativity. Everything seems to be turning around for the best. First off, I arrived home to a lovely note from 'Banana Krasner' pushing me in the right direction towards a new painting - first by removing my last painting (Untitled-Morgan) and leaving a blank space on the wall where I paint for the next piece of work. Secondly, I had an amazing photography session with my friend Andy, whom I'm happy to say has sparked a few ideas for the next work. Thirdly, I've been forcing myself to look at work that inspires me, pushes me to be better and overall amazes me. Luckily, in a city like Manhattan, you can always find that - and I'm looking forward to a Chelsea gallery crawl this weekend. There are plenty of great shows I have to see.
So Saturday night, DJ Joe Hickerson played an killer set of high energy dance music for his premier slot as the only DJ at the Roxy. You could tell the crowd was feeling it and he seemed to soar with the energy that was pounding off the dance floor. So based on that performance and the crowd response, I would think his days of opening for Junior are over.
Ok, so you can't win them all. Back in December I predicted that Chloe and Santino would make it to fashion week (not a hard call) along with my wild card of Emmett. I know all the boys are swooning over Daniel V. but I have to say a tall man with good style will always catch my eye and Emmett has that in spades. I'm glad to hear that Emmett's boutique will be opening shortly in SoHo. Good Luck!I have to admit, I'm kind of bummed that Kara ultimately didn't make it to the final three after viewing the collection she created as the decoy designer (not to ruin the surprise of the finale.) Kara's line was inspired, beautiful and showed us some spunk. Where was this spunk on your last challenge, if you showed 20% of that on the final evening gown, you would have made it to the final three. However, I'm still glad we got the chance to view your work.So good luck to our final three designers and upon inspection of the final collections, I might have to award the win to Santino. He stayed away from his "everything but the kitchen sink" approach and produced a beautiful collection. So my bet for the winner of season two is Santino.
So for the past few weeks I've been stuck with a HUGE lack of creativity and originality. Seems everything that could possibly go wrong will and I'm distracted by the smallest little detail. I'm hoping this phase will be over shortly and I can come up with some witty banter here at Out and Out Reality (Paris, please do something crazy and newsworthy, anything adopt a new pet or get into another drunken bar brawl - please!)
I'm also in need of some new models for my work, if you know anyone who might be interested in posing, please let me know. Thanks again dear readers for sticking around and hopefully you enjoyed my sports coverage (a first and most likely the last on this blog.)
Westminster recap day two:What a good evening of entertainment and sportsmanship. Each dog that won their group was stunning but after the smoke cleared it was the Colored Bull Terrier #11 (Ch Rocky Top's Sundance Kid) better known as Rufus who was victorious and won Best in Show.The evening started with a big bang when the Sporting Group took the field (you know those dogs that assist hunters and collect game). After tight competition, the crowd favorite Golden Retriever #15 (Ch Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel) beat out the Irish Setter and Cocker Spaniel to claim the win.Next up, were the Hounds (which need no explanation), where a beautiful bitch Scottish Deerhound #10 (Ch Thistlegelen Margot) triumphed over fellow bitches the Saluki and Whippet. Talk about fierce competition.Finally, the final group of the evening Herding (you know those dogs who keep sheep and cattle in line) took the stage. Where victory came to another crowd favorite Old English Sheepdog #25 (Ch Bugaboos Big Resolution). You could almost hear the Disney executives excitement for a possible victory and tie-in for their up-coming Tim Allen remake. Alas, Rufus made sure to keep those same executives cursing by his strong showing and victory. His victory also marks him as the first Colored Bull Terrier to win Best in Show at Westminster. Congratulations to all the dogs for an entertaining evening and see you all again next year. For photographs of the winners and more coverage, go to the Westminster site.
So last nights Westminster was full of excitement, some drama and a few surprises. First up was the Working Dogs Group (those big strong dogs who help on the farm, play guard dog and assist us in daily work) that was won by a very strong looking Rottweiler #15 (Ch Carter's Noble Shake Zulu.)
Following his win, was the Terrier Group (those breed of dogs who hunt and kill all sorts of vermin including rats, foxes, weasels) where I was told to watch out for the Norfolk Terrier (a favorite to win), however it was not meant to be as Colored Bull Terrier #11 (Ch Rocky Top's Sundance Kid) came out on top.
This was the first surprise of the evening as the next group held an even bigger surprise, in the overthrowing of the favored to win Best in Show, Pekingese. The Toy Group (you know those cute little lap dogs) was perhaps the most exciting competition for me last night. The high placing Pekingese that won this class last year was favored to win the whole competition but was overthrown by a tenacious Pug #6 (Ch Kendoric's Riversong Mulroney). Truly inspiring and a fan favorite. Will be interesting to see how the Pug fairs in the Best in Show competition tonight.
The last competition of the night was the Non-Sporting Dogs (dogs who serve mostly as companion animals). While I was hoping for a win by the honey colored French Bulldog, she was beaten by a charming, athletic and beautiful Dalmatian #16 (Ch Merry Go Round Mach Ten). Clearly a crowd favorite and I was happy to see this handsome dog go to the finals.
Tonight promises to be just as exciting with the Hound, Sporting and Herding competition. Not to mention the winner for Best in Show. Stay tuned tomorrow for my recap of tonight's festivities.

So my favorite sporting event takes place next week, and no I'm not talking about the Winter Olympics. The Westminster Dog Show arrives in town Monday and Tuesday, with all its spectacle and drama. You cannot get any better then thousands of dogs competing to be Best of Show. For the past seven years, I have spent countless hours wandering the halls of Madison Square Garden enjoying the canine company and learning a lot about the breeds on display. The doggie parents are just as competitive as any children's sporting event (not to mention if you look hard enough, you can find countless characters similar to the movie) and if you ever have the opportunity to attend the show during the day, you'll meet your fair share of these passionate breeders.So with great excitement, I look forward to two days of hard competition, beauty and the excitement of the evening shows. Don't forget to root for your favorites, I know I will.
Maybe it's the boyish grin, or the amazing body, or his Texas charm but I'm very excited to see Failure to Launch with Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. From the looks of it, it might have all the charm and delight of an old Hollywood comedy and I for one am very happy for that. My only question is why didn't this movie open on Valentine's Day weekend? Where is the justice to that? Instead we have Curious George and Final Destination 3 (both movies which I'm excited to see, just not on a big romantic weekend) in its place. However, whenever Matthew opens a picture where he spends a portion of the film half nude on a surfboard, I'm there whether there's a holiday or not. See you at the theaters dear readers, March 10th.
For the past two days, I've been held up in bed with very little back motion. Hopefully, I will be back in the saddle tomorrow and with something more exciting to blog about then.
So I'm happy to report, that Survivor is back with a big ole bang. Exile Island, brilliant. Starting with four tribes instead of two, right on. I cannot be happier that everyone seems so jazzed to be in the game. It's easy to pick favorites, however in a game like Survivor, it's best not to get to attached to anyone. However, I will give props to my girl, Cirie for changing the game in her favor and getting Tina voted out. For a woman who has never spent any extended time outdoors and is afraid of leaves (and those things that live underneath them), to still be standing is nothing more then breathtaking. Not to mention, having the lumberjill, a woman born to play this game, eliminated - brilliant. Keep up the smart game-playing Cirie. I just hope that when the tribes merge into two next week, that you are kept around longer, so I can enjoy your bright personality, killer smile and good natured humor. Keep a head up and watch your back.
So it appears that our weather maven Punxsutawney Phil awoke this morning and was greeted by his shadow which gives us another six weeks of winter. If the current weather situation stays the same, then I'm more then happy about Phil's prediction. Happy Groundhog Day, dear readers.
With great pleasure, I give you a taste of my latest completed painting entitled, Untitled (Morgan). To view the entire painting, please visit my web site.