An open letter from Alan VanCapelle, Executive Director of the Empire State Pride Agenda
Dear Friends,
Today New York's highest court decided by a vote of 4 to 2 that the State of New York can discriminate against gays and lesbians and our families by continuing to deny the protections that come with legal marriage. It is now up to our lawmakers to right this wrong and act on the will of the majority of New Yorkers and provide full marriage equality for same sex couples and our families.
Tonight, our community and our friends will gather in rallies across the state to let New York know that the marriage debate is not going away and that Albany needs to act quickly to protect our families from discrimination by passing a marriage equality law. We will send a message to politicians who say they are our friends that this is the moment we need them to demonstrate that their friendship is more than just words. We will call on them to work with us in winning our freedom to marry here in New York State.
Tonight, we also stand alongside religious leaders, union activists and other allies who have been boldly advocating for our community when few people would. Tonight, we will show New York that it's not just lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who care about marriage, but that it is also our straight family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors.
Those who oppose our right to marriage equality want to push us back into the closet. At best we are an annoyance to them and at worst they wish we would disappear. They will view today's court ruling as a victory, but our presence tonight at these rallies will let them know in the loudest possible way how wrong they are.
I urge you to come out, bring your friends and family and stand with thousands of other New Yorkers who demand full equality for same-sex couples and our families.
So stand with us at 6pm
Sheridan Square (West 4th Street and 7th Ave., Manhattan)
For other locations throughout New York State, click here.