Thursday, July 13, 2006

Vintage Beefcake

So today I got to thinking about old cheesy 80's television I loved as a kid and how I wish some of it was on DVD. One of my favorite actors for purely visual reasons was Jon-Erik Hexum, star of both Voyagers! (time travelers fix mistakes in history) and Cover Up (photographer and her 'male model' apprehending crimes- classic!). Sadly, he died while bored on-set of the latter when jokingly placed a prop gun against his head and pulled the trigger.

He possessed the good looks and killer body that would become a staple of soap stars and action heroes to come. And let's not forget the classic made-for-TV-film Making of a Male Model with Jackie Collins, that camp classic should have midnight screenings throughout the country.

1 comment:

buff said...

Too bad Jon died before his time.
But had he lived, I guess he would be a judge on one of the reality talent shows.