Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Drawn and Ready
So today I finished a new painting and am trying to push my work to the next level. I believe I'm onto something new and exciting and look forward to the next piece in the series. The painting also marks the fact that I was finally able to capture Andy Starkweather's essence. Now, onward and upward. My website will be updated shortly, I promise.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
...Like A Lady

So today I was treated with some great reality television news sure to give us hours of entertainment. Starting in April, my girl Mo'Nique will be teaching 13 former contestants of Flavor of Love (both seasons) proper etiquette in a competition for cash and the title of "Charm School Queen" in a new VH1 reality show, entitled simply Charm School.
"These girls are outspoken and outrageous, but they need some focus and direction. I'm just the woman to give it to them. You will see a metamorphosis in these girls, I promise!" proclaimed Mo'Nique. I love that she's going to be whipping some class into some ass - let the games begin.
Monday, January 29, 2007
From the Horse's Mouth

So fans of Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe were treated to a different side of the actor today with the release of promotional images for his upcoming play Equus where our young teen wizard will be performing nude and simulating an orgasm on stage. One of the images (as seen above) features the actor on set with a beautiful white mare and for the first time its hard not to think that he's developing into quite the hot young man. See this is what happens when you turn 35 you start looking at Harry in a whole new light, but then again wasn't that the point of these images?
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Instinct Proves Right

So this past season of Survivor, I had a big huge crush on J.P. Calderon, who unfortunately didn't make it very far on the show. Good news was that my favorite supermodel Janice Dickinson was smart enough to realize talent and good looks when she sees them and snatched him up for her agency and her reality television show. On tonight's episode (1 of 2 parts) of the show, J.P. has the opportunity to land the cover of a national magazine - the only problem is he needs to 'out' himself to do it. Based on the cover shot I've seen, he dives in and lands the cover of Instinct Magazine's February issue which is bound for newsstands any day now. Congratulations J.P. for being brave enough to go for it, and I'm sure that's just the start of plenty more to come.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Life Ain't Nothing Butter Dream

Sorry I haven't blogged in forever, however with the new bundle of joy in my life, I haven't had much time for anything but cleaning and feeding. It always appears that life throws unexpected surprises when you least expect it. Before Sydney left this world, I had begun the search for the perfect new addition to my family - alas with the trip to Mexico and the holidays, I hadn't given much thought to seriously finding the perfect edition.
However, on Friday January 12th I received a great little gift in the 5 lbs. 2 ox bundle of excitement soon to be known forever as Butter. From the first moment I saw her, I knew she was the one for me, an instinct that has since proven over the last week or so to be correct. Granted, I haven't had a puppy in ages and forgot how much work they are (something I wouldn't trade for anything) but she truly is a great dog and I know that in the next few months, she is going to hold a lot of joy and developing. I know all proud parents feel their child is the smartest and cutest, but I can honestly say Butter takes the cake. I dare you to say otherwise!
Anyhow, I promise to be getting back to blogging more regularly and thanks for sticking around dear readers. Life is just about to get more interesting.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Beloved No More

With great sadness I say welcome back to Out and Out Reality. My beloved little girl, Sydney died yesterday. She was the saddest little dog stuck at a pet store until I walked in and on an impulse purchased the little black and white bundle of joy. For almost a month, she was named Puppy, as I searched and searched for the perfect name. Who knew that due to her crazy nature she would be named after a character on Melrose Place. She was much more than some dingy redhead who plotted murder, slept around and caused all kind of trouble.
She loved to cuddle under the blankets, snuggle close by your feet as you slept, jumped to greet each new visitor and enjoyed chasing her toys in circles. About eight years ago, due to circumstances beyond my control, Sydney moved to Orlando to live with my mother where she spend countless hours chasing lizards and watching TV from her favorite perch behind my mothers neck. About two years ago, she was diagnosed with diabetes and required extra care. She lost most of her eyesight, but never her spirit - which remained sweet and warm.
I miss her dearly and the loss is immediate. I know my mother is heart-broken, but Sydney will always have a special place in my heart. I love you.
Sydney Puppy Halm (1995-2007)
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