Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Beloved No More

With great sadness I say welcome back to Out and Out Reality. My beloved little girl, Sydney died yesterday. She was the saddest little dog stuck at a pet store until I walked in and on an impulse purchased the little black and white bundle of joy. For almost a month, she was named Puppy, as I searched and searched for the perfect name. Who knew that due to her crazy nature she would be named after a character on Melrose Place. She was much more than some dingy redhead who plotted murder, slept around and caused all kind of trouble.

She loved to cuddle under the blankets, snuggle close by your feet as you slept, jumped to greet each new visitor and enjoyed chasing her toys in circles. About eight years ago, due to circumstances beyond my control, Sydney moved to Orlando to live with my mother where she spend countless hours chasing lizards and watching TV from her favorite perch behind my mothers neck. About two years ago, she was diagnosed with diabetes and required extra care. She lost most of her eyesight, but never her spirit - which remained sweet and warm.

I miss her dearly and the loss is immediate. I know my mother is heart-broken, but Sydney will always have a special place in my heart. I love you.

Sydney Puppy Halm (1995-2007)

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