Sorry I haven't blogged in forever, however with the new bundle of joy in my life, I haven't had much time for anything but cleaning and feeding. It always appears that life throws unexpected surprises when you least expect it. Before Sydney left this world, I had begun the search for the perfect new addition to my family - alas with the trip to Mexico and the holidays, I hadn't given much thought to seriously finding the perfect edition.
However, on Friday January 12th I received a great little gift in the 5 lbs. 2 ox bundle of excitement soon to be known forever as Butter. From the first moment I saw her, I knew she was the one for me, an instinct that has since proven over the last week or so to be correct. Granted, I haven't had a puppy in ages and forgot how much work they are (something I wouldn't trade for anything) but she truly is a great dog and I know that in the next few months, she is going to hold a lot of joy and developing. I know all proud parents feel their child is the smartest and cutest, but I can honestly say Butter takes the cake. I dare you to say otherwise!
Anyhow, I promise to be getting back to blogging more regularly and thanks for sticking around dear readers. Life is just about to get more interesting.
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