Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah & Britney

Feeling pretty blah today and not really sure what to write about on today's blog entry. I'd hate to give any more attention to Ms. Spears bun in the oven but I just wanted to point something out; has Britney completely adopted her Madonna pose now.

Years before Ms. Richie had her two beautiful children, she was seen running around town with two Chihuahuas, that she promptly gave up with little Lola's birth. Fast forward a few years, and witness Britney, who has been known to run around town with her little BitBit (a Chihuahua in her own right) in hand, not to mention that un-washed husband of hers. So does that mean that BitBit's days are numbered. One can only hope that poor BitBit doesn't end up like a certain tanorexic 'actress' (and I use that term loosely) little Tinkerbell. Maybe there's a reality show like the Surreal Life to be tapped into, Forgotten Bitches Bite Back.

Hang in there BitBit, I still love you.

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